Can My Dog Eat That? Peaches
Welcome to “Can My Dog Eat That?,” our series that answers some obvious (and not-so-obvious) questions about what your dog can and can’t safely eat. You can view some of the previous foods we’ve looked at in our “Can my dog eat that?” guide. Today we answer the question “Can dogs eat peaches?” Read on! …

Behind the Breed: Cane Corso
Have you ever wondered where a dog breed originated from? In our “Behind the Breed” series we’ll dive into the history, personality and physical appearance of a particular breed. We’ll also cover some of the FAQs about the breed and maybe some fun facts, too! Intimidating is an understatement when you first look at a …

Can My Dog Eat That? Cat Food
Welcome to “Can My Dog Eat That?,” our series that answers some obvious (and not-so-obvious) questions about what your dog can and can’t safely eat. You can view some of the previous foods we’ve looked at in our “Can my dog eat that?” guide. Today we answer the question “Can dogs eat cat food?” Read …

Cat Faces: Decoding Cat Facial Expressions & Emotions
Many people assume that cats’ faces aren’t the most expressive when it comes to communication, particularly compared to dogs. You can certainly tell when a kitty is mad or needy or content, but generally you might think they are fairly stoic in their facial expressions. Well, research shows us that this is not the case …

Can My Dog Eat That? Broccoli
Welcome to “Can My Dog Eat That?,” our series that answers some obvious (and not-so-obvious) questions about what your dog can and can’t safely eat. You can view some of the previous foods we’ve looked at in our “Can my dog eat that?” guide. Today we answer the question “Can dogs eat broccoli?” Read on! …

Behind the Breed: Rottweiler
Have you ever wondered where a dog breed originated from? In our “Behind the Breed” series we’ll dive into the history, personality and physical appearance of a particular breed. We’ll also cover some of the FAQs about the breed and maybe some fun facts, too! The Rottweiler is considered one of the most ancient breeds; …

Behind the Breed: English Bulldog
Have you ever wondered where a dog breed originated from? In our “Behind the Breed” series we’ll dive into the history, personality and physical appearance of a particular breed. We’ll also cover some of the FAQs about the breed and maybe some fun facts, too! The English bulldog is like a prizefighter, with a well-muscled …

Deciphering Dog Body Language
Your dog may not be able to tell you whether they’re feeling sad or happy or scared, but looking at how your dog’s ears are positioned, how they’re holding their tail and other body language cues can help you decode how they’re feeling. Body language is one of the ways that dogs communicate with each …

Can My Dog Eat That? Turkey
Welcome to “Can My Dog Eat That?,” our series that answers some obvious (and not-so-obvious) questions about what your dog can and can’t safely eat. You can view some of the previous foods we’ve looked at in our “Can my dog eat that?” guide. Today we answer the question “Can dogs eat turkey safely?” Read …

Barktastic Dog-Friendly Vacations
Everyone needs a vacation — even your furry friend! So instead of leaving your pets behind and wondering if they miss you (of course they do!), why not take them along with you on your next vacation or weekend getaway? To help you out, we’ve got a list of pet-friendly vacation locations that are a …