Cat Faces: Decoding Cat Facial Expressions & Emotions
Many people assume that cats’ faces aren’t the most expressive when it comes to communication, particularly compared to dogs. You can certainly tell when a kitty is mad or needy or content, but generally you might think they are fairly stoic in their facial expressions. Well, research shows us that this is not the case …

Deciphering Dog Body Language
Your dog may not be able to tell you whether they’re feeling sad or happy or scared, but looking at how your dog’s ears are positioned, how they’re holding their tail and other body language cues can help you decode how they’re feeling. Body language is one of the ways that dogs communicate with each …

Barktastic Dog-Friendly Vacations
Everyone needs a vacation — even your furry friend! So instead of leaving your pets behind and wondering if they miss you (of course they do!), why not take them along with you on your next vacation or weekend getaway? To help you out, we’ve got a list of pet-friendly vacation locations that are a …

How to Travel with a Dog Internationally
It’s decided. You’re packing your bags and heading overseas. Whether it’s for a few weeks, a few months or forever, there’s a lot you need to do to prepare for international travel. And that includes deciding on how your furry friend fits into your travel plans. If you’re a pet parent whose dog goes wherever …

Rainy Day Activities for Dogs
It’s raining, it’s pouring, Max and Luna aren’t snoring — they wanna have some fun! While some dogs enjoy spending rainy days curled up on the couch with their favorite soft toy, there are plenty of other dogs who are bouncing off the walls (literally) ready to play on a rainy day. The good news …

Fun Indoor Activities for Dogs
Frigid winter weather. Torrential spring rain. Blazing summer days. Severe fall storms. No matter the season, there are going to be times throughout the year when your outdoor-loving dog is stuck indoors. After longingly staring out the window for a while, your canine companion is probably going to get bored. And that’s not good because …

How to Get Rid of Cat Pee Smell
It’s an eye-watering smell that’s instantly recognizable — cat pee. Litter typically does a great job at deodorizing cat pee, so when you smell it in your house, you know something’s not right. And so the hunt for the source of the stench begins. Behind the couch? The laundry basket? Under the bed — or …

A List of Dog Commands and Hand Signals for Beginners
When you’re choosing how to train your dog, there are many things to consider (including their food), but most importantly may be which training method to use. Another decision to make is whether to teach your dog training hand signals. Dogs use body language to communicate with other dogs, so it makes sense that they …

Answering Your Cat’s Life Questions
National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is coming up soon. Are you prepared for your cat asking questions that you may not have the answers for? Did you even know that cat questions were a thing? Well, now you do. Luckily, we’re prepared to help you celebrate National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day by peering …

National Barks: How to Become a B.A.R.K. Ranger
National parks offer some of the most beautiful places in the United States for you and your dog to explore. It can also be a bit overstimulating for your dog in comparison to a trip to a local trail or park. This is why Healthy Parks Healthy People members created the B.A.R.K. Ranger program, which …