Thoughts from the Wild

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A hand reaching down to scratch the chin of a small cat.

Cat Faces: Decoding Cat Facial Expressions & Emotions

November 14, 2024

Many people assume that cats’ faces aren’t the most expressive when it comes to communication, particularly compared to dogs. You can certainly tell when a kitty is mad or needy or content, but generally you might think they are fairly stoic in their facial expressions. Well, research shows us that this is not the case …

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A cat sitting on the floor next to an empty food bowl looking up.

What Human Foods Can Cats Eat?

March 14, 2024

Dogs are renowned beggars of human food — it’s part of the reason we have a whole series dedicated to “Can My Dog Eat That?” But dogs aren’t the only ones who will beg for a tidbit of human food. Cats can be equally good at sad eyes and pitiful cries saying, “Pwease, can I …

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Two hands wearing yellow rubber gloves holding a spray bottle and a rag over white carpet.

How to Get Rid of Cat Pee Smell

February 8, 2024

It’s an eye-watering smell that’s instantly recognizable — cat pee. Litter typically does a great job at deodorizing cat pee, so when you smell it in your house, you know something’s not right. And so the hunt for the source of the stench begins. Behind the couch? The laundry basket? Under the bed — or …

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A cat with its head tilted looking curious.

Answering Your Cat’s Life Questions

January 11, 2024

National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is coming up soon. Are you prepared for your cat asking questions that you may not have the answers for? Did you even know that cat questions were a thing? Well, now you do. Luckily, we’re prepared to help you celebrate National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day by peering …

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A cat walking outside through the snow.

Do Cats Need Special Care in the Winter?

December 14, 2023

Mittens, it’s cold outside. It’s time to discuss what kind of special care might be needed for cats this winter. First, we need to look at what kind of life your cat leads to provide the best guidance. Are they an indoor-only cat? If so, there are a couple of changes you’ll need to make …

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A dog lying with its head in its owner’s lap on the floor next to a Christmas tree.

Why We’re Thankful for Our Pets

November 20, 2023

What are you most grateful for this Thanksgiving season? If your pet(s) made the list, you’re not alone! Let’s dive into all the reasons we’re thankful for pets this season and beyond. We’re Thankful That Pets Bring the Funny Laughter relaxes our body, boosts our immune system and lowers our blood pressure, epinephrine and glucose …

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A veterinarian using a stethoscope on a white cat lying on a table during an examination.

What Is Feline Herpesvirus in cats?

November 9, 2023

The vet just came in to deliver news that your favorite feline has FHV — feline herpesvirus. Initially, panic might set in as your thoughts are, “How? What does this mean for Mittens? What can I do to give my fur-baby the best life possible?” It can be a lot to take in. But know …

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A gray cat standing in an empty moving box.

Prepare Your Cat for Moving

October 12, 2023

Moving is a stressful time for everyone, but imagine how stressful it is for your cat who has no idea what is going on. What are all these boxes? Why am I in a new house? Where do I poop?!?! Don’t let Mittens get all their fur in a fluff. We’ll walk you through how …

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A black, white and brown cat sitting in a white room surrounded by confetti and balloons.

Surprise Things You Can Do to Make Your Cat Happy

September 14, 2023

Happy Cat Month, pet owners! Yes, you read that right. September marks the annual Happy Cat Month created by CATalyst Council. This celebratory month was established to spread education about the health, happiness and importance of companion cats. So, keeping this in mind, what ways can you surprise your cat and bring them some extra …

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A black-and-white cat staring out a window.

Will Cats Notice It’s Back-to-School Time?

August 17, 2023

Dogs are notorious for missing their owners two seconds after their human steps out the front door, sometimes with destructive results. But will your family’s favorite feline have separation anxiety after the kiddos go back to school? Fluffy was the go-to adventure buddy for your kids’ summer shenanigans, after all. So, it’s only natural that …

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