Welcome to the Taste of the Wild Virtual Pet Park!

We love getting to know you and your furry family members, and we know you love to show them off! We’re glad to have you at the Taste of the Wild Virtual Pet Park — and don’t forget to share your own photos, too! Upload your pics for a chance to be featured here, in our monthly e-newsletter and on our social channels.

Welcome to the Taste of the Wild Virtual Pet Park!

Your 2024 Fur-estry Department Directors

Meet the lucky winners of our Petworking Contest! The application process was tough, but, in the end, we decided these five furry friends were the most qualified to head up our Fur-estry Department.

A black and tan dog sitting on the top of a mountain side wearing a blue harness and hiking booties.

Photo by Diana C.


Director of Barks & Recreation

An orange tabby cat standing outside wearing a sweater and a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses.

Photo by Rebecca T.


Head of Re-CUTE-ment


Photo by Johanna H.


Nap & Energy Conservation Specialist

A small black and white dog wearing a purple harness standing next to a brick wall.

Photo by Stephanie S.


Treat Analyst

A brown dog wearing an orange collar standing outside in a park.

Photo by Vernon S.


Fetch & Release Program Manager

Remember, we always have openings in our Virtual Pet Park. Share photos of your pets for a chance to be featured here, in our monthly e-newsletter and on our social channels.

Looking for something specific? Like-minded pet owners? Similar interests and hobbies?

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A black, white and tan dog lying on the floor next to a bag of Taste of the Wild Ancient Grains dog food. from the pack social icon
A black, white and tan dog sitting in a red and white painted sleigh with a Christmas wreath on the front. from the pack social icon
A customer review that reads, 'We have always fed Taste of the Wild and start all of our puppies on Taste of the Wild when they are old enough to start on real food. They love the varieties, but our favorite seems to be Southwest canyon. We won't feed anything else'.
A black and tan puppy lying on the floor with its front two paws resting on an empty bag of High Prairie Puppy Recipe from Taste of the Wild. from the pack social icon
Three dogs in a snowy backyard with a wooden fence in the background. from the pack social icon
A gray and white cat sleeping with its head resting on a large purple ball of yarn. facebook social icon
A Rottweiler lying in the kitchen looking at the camera with a tilted head. from the pack social icon
A yellow Lab sitting on a snowy trail in the woods with a black dog running up from behind. from the pack social icon
A cat sitting on a kitchen counter with its paw on a bag of Taste of the Wild food. facebook social icon
Three poodles of different colors lying in front of two bags of Ancient Stream Canine Recipe. facebook social icon
A white Siberian husky sitting in the opening of a colorful tent. from the pack social icon
A goldendoodle puppy sitting with a white bow on her head. instagram social icon
A happy Labrador retriever wearing a bandana and vest on a leaf-covered trail in a forest during autumn. from the pack social icon
A text review image for Rocky Mountain Feline Recipe that reads, 'I like that the wholesome ingredients include non-traditional protein sources that my felines really enjoy'.
A Pekingese and Chihuahua mix wearing a pink harness sitting in the grass licking its nose with a dandelion in the foreground. from the pack social icon
A brown and white dog running towards the camera on a bed of snowy autumn leaves. from the pack social icon
An American bully puppy sitting and looking up. from the pack social icon
A kitten lying on top of a clear container filled with dry cat food, seemingly guarding it. facebook social icon
A German shepherd sitting next to an Ancient Stream bag in the grass. from the pack social icon
An English bulldog sitting in a car and looking out the window. facebook social icon
An Australian shepherd lying down on a green blanket and looking at the camera. instagram social icon
An Australian cattle dog sitting on a rock in front of snow and mountains. from the pack social icon
A close-up of a shorthair bobtail cat with large green eyes. from the pack social icon
A text review image for Pacific Stream Puppy Recipe that reads, 'After trying more than 8 different brands, my puppy has absolutely found his favorite meal. I used to be so worried about how picky he was but this has not let me down'.
A Jack Russell terrier standing on a rock in front of a valley. facebook social icon
A corgi hiking in a mountainous landscape. instagram social icon
A beige mixed breed dog sitting and tilting their head. from the pack social icon
A goldendoodle sitting next to an Ancient Mountain Canine Recipe bag and looking at the camera. instagram social icon
Aussiedoodle lying down at the top of a staircase. from the pack social icon
A beagle lying on a bed with multicolored, patterned blankets. from the pack social icon
An Australian shepherd puppy sitting next to a pumpkin. facebook social icon
An Australian shepherd puppy standing in tall grass. instagram social icon
A text review image for Ancient Prairie Canine Recipe that reads 'I’ve been feeding him it for four years now and it keeps him going when we’re on or off the mountain. He’s loved all their flavors though. Great food for hardworking dogs'.
A Labrador retriever lying down on the ground wearing a black harness. from the pack social icon
A black German shepherd lying down on a front porch. from the pack social icon
A Boston terrier puppy lying down on a gray dog bed. from the pack social icon
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